Me, Myself, & I

I wear many hats. not because I'm a fake and try to fit in everyone, but because I'm not just one person. I don't have just one group of friends. There's more to this girl then meets the eye!


Our Medly Relay at Champs!
From soccer, to swimming, I've played it all. Not on a professional team... but in a group, official or not. Right now I'm a hardcore swimmer! In my opinion, it's the best, and hardest sport to do, but it's oh so rewarding! You can be an individual, or work as a team. Either way, there's nothing better then cheering and being cheered for. And I must say, I've made some pretty awesome friends along the way.


Mommy & I in Tennesse
I love my parents, even though we get in our little spats sometimes. My mom is a beautiful and strong individual, and I admire everything about her. My dad is hard-working and very determined, and he either pushes me farther or knocks me down when I get out of control. Both of them are a little crazy, especially my dad, but I love them and they love me! What more could I ask for? (An iTouch maybe...?)

Little Sister

Josh & I playing paintball!
My brother, Josh, is the kind of brother that keeps me grounded. We get along great, plus some brawls here and there. He's a big dork, and I adore him for that. Plus, he's an amazing swimmer, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm completely jealous. But in the end I'm always happy he gets a really good time! He's my Joshie Bear! I love my little airsoft-playing ninja!


We all have our teeth done by the same dentist :)
As you can see by the photo, my family isn't what you would call "normal". We all gather at Grandmas' house once or twice a week to just hang out, eat some dinner, and watch some TV (this can range anywhere from American Idol and House, To Hockey and Football!). We're a very close-knit family, and I couldn't imagine us being any other way! I've grown up with the strength and security of at least 10 different people on a weekly basis. We're hug together, ry together, laugh together, and share each others memories!


From left: Shannon, Bekah, Robyn, Lexi, & I before Prom
My friends, oh goodness. Well, I can't really say my friends are a whole huge group who I hang out with all at once, because that wouldn't be true. I have friends from so many different kinds of cliches, and they're all amazing! I love being with them, whether ir be just relaxing in their basement of jumping around in a wheelchair on a trampoline (no cripples were involved, or harmed in the process). All I can really say is that my friends mean the world to me, and I would be no where without them.


Alex & I before Prom
I put girlfriend in here for two reasons. 1) I've been dating Alex for about 2 years now, and I'm still not sick of the guy! and 2) He means the world to me, and he's a very important part of my life. Alex is like the cinnamon clusters in my cereal bowl of life. He knows exactly how I am and loves me anyways! He;s been with me through a many tough times an