Welcome to my World!

          My name is Kayce Alise Hoppstock, I was born in Warren, Michigan on October 1st, 1993.  I’ve been told by my family that I was loud. You had the biggest set of lungs I’d ever heard on a newborn! They would say. I was happy little thing. I’d give an adorable toothless smile to everyone I saw. Accompanied by chubby cheeks, my face was pretty much all smiles! 
        Growing up I was a big tomboy. I lived for the days where my brother and our friend, Kyle, would play outside and get down and dirty. I’m still like that now, but just a tad bit more… mature? My spunk and confidence started when I was little too. I blame my mother for handing that down to me! But I can’t say I don’t enjoy it. I’d prefer to be outgoing and ready to role instead of timid and shy.
        I do have to thank my parents for a lot of what I’ve become. I know it sounds cheesy and unrealistic, but my mom and I have a great relationship. She either kicks me to make me work hard or comfort me when I’m down. And my Dad’s made me tough and strong. It only hurt’s as bad as you make it! is something he always used to say. I know they’re proud of what I’ve become, and I am too! I still don’t know what I want in my future though. It’s unclear for everyone until we finally get there! Oh, and I should warn you, I can be a weird and very dorky, so hang on and enjoy the ride!

This is my new resume we created in PHS computer class!